Saturday, September 23, 2006


I´m here! Finlly! After a nice flight down with Amy that included a stop in Atlanta, a man with our names on a sign to give us a ride in Quito (Ben I´m still looking for that perfect doggie gift) and a stay in a way too nice hotel in Quito, a mix up with an electronic ticket the next day, I finally made it! Cuenca is an amazing city, though in reality it´s not too much different than american cities. The similarities outnumber the differences from what I´ve seen so far. I´m living, for the next week at least, in a very sparcly furnihed, but very very nice house on the outskirts of the city. This is our sort of home base when we aren´t in the Reserve living in tents or the research station. We had a great dinner of burritos with an appetizer of fried plaitines and guacamole. There was a fun game of egyptian rat screw in there as well. We then went out and I had the minty-est hot chocolate ever. But it got pretty late and we went back to the house, our cabbie almost hitting a dog on the way home. Today we explored the city more going multiple markets and generally attemtping to soak it all in. It really is amazing. We went to the ¨new¨ cathedral which was enourmous. I didn´t take any pictures today but there will be ore to come. We ate in a wonderful Colombian resturant and I had a great dish of beans chicken and beef on a corn tortilla type thing. I´ll try to bring my journal to write what it´s called because I can´t remember for the life of me.
So we´ll be in Cuenca untill Thursday. exploring and getting some lectures and more guideline type stuff then it´s the 2.5-3 hour drive up into the reserve to begin our field work. I´ll for sure be in touch before I leave and I´ll try tp get some pictures up as well. So I think that´s it for now. Sorry I don´t have time to wrtie more or email all of you, but I´ll try agin later. Caio.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Vaunie said...

How great to hear from you and imagine you eating South American food and soaking up the atmosphere in Cuenca! I hear it is a very old and beautiful city. Ask someone about the long ago villages nearby, one settled by and for women and another by and for men...shades of the Shakers and we know what happened to them! POST PHOTOS and thanks for blogging!

At 4:44 PM, Blogger UBill said...

Hi Sam - also great to hear that you made it. I spent the last 3 days glued to CNN, MSNBC, and ESPN en espangol searching for news about you.

FYI, I posted your blog link on the GrautyKin blog, too.


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